Back With New Intentions

Hi, dear WOYWW friends it is AGES I last posted here! But Julia, I cannot let go, so here I am back to be part of your wonderful party.

A lot of incidents kept me from posting, some good, some not so good.

Let us talk about the good ones. The most positive exiting sensation was that I became a member of the Rubber Dance design team!! Here is the proof:  and my first article on this blog

Just in case you don´t know, I am Gabriele. And I am the only painter among a bunch of lovely, talented stampers. That is very interesting and challenging. And it gives me a lot of inspirations.

So in the future, you will see me doing a lot of stamping – my way. I am not very accurate in my stamping, but for me that is ok, because I use stamps in a different way. You will see in the AJ pages Half Empty/Half Full, that I love to use stamps to make my background richer and more interesting.

But now back to my desk. There you can see some vintage photo albums and tons of old photos. I have now 14 albums – 14 great possibilities to journal in all kinds of ways. This is such a treasure! Although I don´t know most of the people on those photos, they tell me many interesting stories and are fantastic for collages. Priceless!!!


I started 4 journals already and will show them in future posts. I start with one, showing a challenge from Daisy Yellow: Art Journal Tangents & Tacticts – Half Empty/Half Full. Thank you Tammy for your endless ideas and your never ending energy. If you don´t know Tammy Garcia, you must go visit her website:


While doing the backgrounds for these pages, I was pondering about my problem: it is hard for me to find the right words for my AJ pages. I like my pages to tell a story that moves me in the first place, but then I cannot write anything on them. Quotes from other people might be nice and carry an important message, but they are not my words. And here I found the knot: I wanted to say something important. Important for whom?? And what????

What is important in my life?? When I open my eyes in the morning, that can be important and not be taken for granted. Some years ago I thought I might die of my cancer, but I did not and I am grateful still being alive!!

So I decided to write a little column in the future about all those small, amusing, sad, trivial, but so important things for my life and of course create whatever comes to my mind to illustrate it.

Back to Half Empty/Half Full. After creating the background with acrylics and some collage (using two of my photos) and some of Rubber Dance stamps I stepped back and thought, the pages looked quite ok, as they were.



watermark black large_gabriele

Here I used one of the photographs of a lady that sits on the beach, apparently alone. But she seems to be looking at someone. Yes there must be the photographer – someone she knows, likes? You can also see the stamping – that wonderful quote and the red round thingies on the right, here as enlargements.

On the opposite is the positive side, where you are invited to come in. Into what or were? Into that house? We`ll see…


watermark black large_gabriele

On this page I used some different flower stamps, I will list at the end of this post. Here I stamped red flowers and very delicate spider web like flowers in several shades of turquoise. It is easier to see in the enlargements.

Isn´t that beautiful?

But I forced myself to write some sentences about the motto. I also accepted my handwriting, which is not very nice, but it is mine. That makes it unique and that is fine.


The colours of both pages look different, as the last two are taken with a camera, the others before were scanned.


Dear friends, that is all for now I have written quite a lot this time, I hope it wasn´t too boring for you! Thank you very much for your visit and I hope to see you soon!


If you want to try these gorgeous stamps yourself, jump over to The Rubber Dance stamps I used are listed below.

You can also meet us on Facebook – come on over and say hi!  I would love to see, what you are creating!



35 Gedanken zu „Back With New Intentions

  1. Boo

    Gabrielle, I’ve already told you how great the art is on facebook so I’ll comment on your post. It is wonderful. I really enjoyed your thought process about your journal page. I agree that each morning I wake up is a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. neesie23

    Beautiful journal page Gabrielle,
    I try to keep positive no matter what each day brings. I’m trying to pass this on to my children too. It’s far too easy to listen to that negative voice… it’s loud and can be insistent. It takes skill to ignore ;D
    Your words were heart-felt too. Thanks for sharing
    Happy WOYWW Neesie #62 (and WW3)

  3. amyis300

    Gorgeous pages!! I have some really old photos too, and have no idea who the people in them are…I love your idea of using them for a collage! Also, I’m not crazy about my handwriting either, and used to type out and print all my journaling. Then I read that your own handwriting is so much more personal and one day after you’re gone and your family has inherited your scrapbooks/journals, that handwriting is going to mean so much more to them than something you printed off your computer. So I made the switch and write out everything now!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #8

  4. Bibi Lindahl

    Great post, Gabriele! Fun to see a bit of your workspace, and those vintage albums look very yummy! :-))) Love your pages, and glad you asked the right question – whom is the writing for? Every day is a gift, and life is full of important „small stuff“.
    Thank you for using my stamps on these pages! Glad to see you are using your own handwriting on them, it makes them so much more YOU-nique! 😉

  5. 505whimsygirl

    Hi Gabrielle,

    I know what you mean about writing on your journal pages. I’m wondering the same sort of thing. I have several backgrounds that I created in the class but am wondering what I’ll do next with them. Handwriting is as individual as we are and from what I see yours has a nice style to it – embrace it.

    Congratulations on being part of the Design Team.

    Today I’m off work so hoping to get around to at least those that have visited me so far.

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (14)

  6. Ali H

    I really enjoyed your post today and TOTALLY know what you mean about feeling that I need to say something meaningful on my Journal pages – I have almost ground myself to a halt thinking that I have to say something profound for it to be a real page ! I am trying to be a be a less hung up about it and just create something – if no words spring to mind then it isn’t the end of the world ! Have fun in your lovely journals ! Ali #7 xx

  7. janet

    lovely pages your art id definitely more full than empty, love the mixed up collage feel to your work. the view out of the window is very inspiring too.
    thanks for sharing
    janet #2

  8. Lunch Lady Jan

    I love your half full page…I think it’s so important to be positive in life. The colours you use are gorgeous!
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

  9. Sharon Madson

    Fabulous AJ pages. Of course I like the blue ones best, I could do everything in all shades of blues. It was very nice of you to share what you are thinking. I have a difficult time deciding what to write in my journal and was thinking just a stamped sentiment. Thanks for stopping by my desk. #32

  10. Nikki C

    What a beautiful page and it’s very important to stay positive we all have bad days every once in a while but they make all the good ones that much sweeter and better 🙂 hugs Nikki 5 thanks for the visit

  11. Sue

    Hi Gabriele, I am loving the colours you are using. I’ve always wanted to paint, but I surprise myself at just how bad I am at it:) LOL

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue 36

  12. ukmaryanne

    I love all the colour, all the layers, and all the text – nothing I love more than a long meaty blog post. INice to read the background and I’ll look forward to your different stamping. Must check out the stamp line too.

    Oh and just FYI – I will show the Zetti house but maybe not next week. I’ll try to link on a WOYWW post even if I don’t show it in one 🙂

    Happy WOYWW! a little late
    Mary Anne (1)

  13. Gillian Pearce

    Congratulations on becoming a member of the Rubber Dance design team. The painting at the back of your desk with the vertical strips caught my eye. Is that finished or a background for some journaling? I’m sure you journaling will flow the more you do. Have fun with it!
    Thanks for visiting my site.
    Gillian #34

  14. Diana Taylor

    I am loving your art pages – the colours are beautiful and I love the depth that the rubber stamp images add to the backgrounds. Thanks so much for stopping by my desk earlier, I hope you have a great week,
    Diana #43

  15. forrestwife

    I’m guest designing for Bibi! I love her nature stamps! I’m a painter too, so you never know where my stamps will end up. I feel right at home at your desk.
    Thanks for visiting
    Robyn 13

  16. Dotty A

    Oh My! such beautiful work you do….what a move into stamping with the beautiful art you do… Love your work and so glad I found your blog.
    Thanks for stopping by my place and leaving such kind words.

  17. hickeydorums

    Love your blog post with all the colour and the cool and warm pages. This should be interesting for those like me who do not find colour so easy to do.
    hugs, neet 11

  18. shazsilverwolf

    Hi Gabriele, love your journal pages, and your attitude! Thanks so much for your words, they really help. I have made so many friends on here, and getting so many good vibes back is wonderful. Running late this week, Have a great week, Hugs. Shaz #23,xxx

  19. Ohhh Snap

    Congratulations on being on the design team! I look forward to seeing more of how you use rubberstamps as a painter : ). The pages are beautiful and touching. I don’t know why so many of us dislike our handwriting, we need to get over that lol. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier in the week. #4

  20. Debbie / Daqa

    Oh to my shame I didn’t visit you last week! I was just checking if I had some replies to comments (as from blogger you don’t get notified when using a wordpress account ofcourse)…
    Congratulations on being a member of the Rubber design team! And I understand what you mean about finding words, although I often search for quotes that express what I feel or think at that moment. Even if it takes me 2 evenings of searching the internet for the right quote. I have never made an Art Journal, but I am thinking of doing that more and more. I just need to make/buy a journal first…

  21. sheila 77

    I so much enjoyed reading this blogpost. I really like both pages, each so different. It will be fascinating to see how you incorporate rubber stamps into your wonderful paintings.


Thank you very much for visiting. You make my day, if you leave a comment!